JUMP TOWingspan Payments APIPayables ManagementRetrieve Summary of All PayablesgetRetrieve Approved Payables Ready for Immediate PayrollgetList All Payables Associated with a ClientgetCreate a New Payable for a Member on Behalf of a ClientpostRetrieve Payable Details by Payable IDgetUpdate Client Payable Information by Payable IDpatchDelete Client Payable by Payable IDdeleteExecute Approved Payroll TransactionspostInvoice ManagementRetrieve All Member InvoicesgetInitiate New Invoice for a MemberpostFetch Invoice by IDgetModify Existing Invoice DetailspatchRemove Invoice Record by IDdeleteRetrieve All Invoices Generated by a ClientgetGenerate a New Invoice on Behalf of the ClientpostFetch Specific Client-Generated Invoice by IDgetModify an Existing Client-Generated InvoicepatchExecute Payment for a Client-Generated InvoicepostRetrieve all available invoice templatesgetCreate a new invoice templatepostRetrieve a specific invoice template by IDgetModify details of an existing invoice templatepatchRemove a specific invoice templatedeleteRetrieve all client-generated invoice templatesgetCreate a new client-generated invoice templatepostFetch a specific client-generated invoice template by IDgetModify a client-generated invoice templatepatchGenerate a PDF for a specific invoicepostSend an invoice by emailpostRefund a deposited invoicepostTry to pay an invoice using the Client's autopay settingspostRetrieve Fees Associated with a Client's InvoicegetGenerate Test Invoice for a ClientpostCollaborator ManagementRetrieve All Collaborator GroupsgetGenerate New Collaborator GrouppostRegister a New Deduction for a CollaboratorpostRetrieve All Deductions for CollaboratorsgetRetrieve Specific Deduction DetailsgetModify Details of a Specific DeductionpatchErase a Specific Deduction EntrydeleteRetrieve Events Associated with a CollaboratorgetRetrieve Details of a Specific CollaboratorgetModify Collaborator DetailspatchRemove a Specific Collaborator RecorddeleteRetrieve All Registered CollaboratorsgetRegister a New CollaboratorpostAssociate Collaborator with a Specific GrouppatchDisassociate Collaborator from a Specific GrouppatchRetrieve All Collaborators (Version 2)getRetrieve Specific Collaborator Details (Version 2)getClient ManagementRetrieve detailed information of a specific member-client relationshipgetRegister a New Client DeductionpostUpdate information of a specific member-client relationshippatchRetrieve All Client DeductionsgetRemove a specific member-client relationship from the systemdeleteFetch Specific Client Deduction DetailsgetModify a Client DeductionpatchRemove a Client DeductiondeleteRetrieve All Clients (Version 2)getRetrieve Specific Client Details (Version 2)getBanking ManagementRetrieve All Bank StatementsgetRetrieve Specific Bank StatementgetDownload a specific bank statement as a PDFgetDeprecated Retrieve Instant Payout InformationgetFetch the application link for setting up a clearing bank accountgetDeprecated Remove Instant Payout ConfigurationdeleteRetrieve banking institution details by its routing numbergetDeprecated Set Up Instant Payout ConfigurationpostFetch all registered payout debit cards for a membergetRegister a new payout debit card for a memberpostRetrieve a specific payout debit card linked to a membergetUnlink and delete a specific payout debit card from a member's profiledeleteRetrieve payout settings for a specific membergetModify and update payout settings for a specific memberpatchReporting and AnalyticsRetrieve detailed information on all collaboratorsgetObtain a summarized report of payable amounts for each collaboratorgetRetrieve Aging Report for PayablesgetRetrieve Aging Report for InvoicesgetObtain Aging Report for Line ItemsgetService SettingsCheck Service StatusgetPayroll SettingsRetrieve Individual Payroll SettingsgetModify Existing Payroll SettingspatchBulk OperationsRetrieve All Bulk Payable BatchesgetInitiate a New Bulk Payable BatchpostRetrieve Details of a Specific Bulk Payable BatchgetModify a Specific Bulk Payable BatchpatchRemove a Specific Bulk Payable BatchdeleteRetrieve all items from a specific bulk payable batchgetAdd a new item to a specific bulk payable batchpostFetch the import summary for a specific bulk payable batchgetRetrieve a Specific Item from a Bulk Payable BatchgetModify a Specific Item in a Bulk Payable BatchpatchRetrieve All Bulk Invoice BatchesgetInitiate a New Bulk Invoice BatchpostRetrieve details of a specific bulk invoice batchgetModify the details of a specific bulk invoice batchpatchFetch all items from a specific bulk invoice batchgetAdd a new item to a specific bulk invoice batchpostRetrieve a specific item from a bulk invoice batchgetModify a specific item within a bulk invoice batchpatchFetch all bulk collaborator batchesgetInitiate a new bulk collaborator batch.postRetrieve Details of a Specific Collaborator BatchgetModify Details of a Bulk Collaborator BatchpatchRemove a Specific Collaborator BatchdeleteRetrieve all items from a specific collaborator batchgetAppend a new item to a specific collaborator batchpostRetrieve details of a specific item from a collaborator batchgetModify the details of a specific item within a collaborator batchpatchRetrieve all bulk client batchesgetCreate a new bulk client batchpostFetch Details of a Specific Item from a Client BatchgetModify Details of a Specific Item in a Client BatchpatchRetrieve All Items from a Client BatchgetAdd a New Item to a Client BatchpostFetch Details of a Specific Item from a Client BatchgetModify Details of a Specific Item in a Client BatchpatchCustom Field ManagementAdd a New Custom FieldpostRetrieve All Custom FieldsgetFetch Details of a Specific Custom FieldgetModify Details of a Specific Custom FieldpatchRemove a Specific Custom FielddeleteMerchant Category CodesRetrieve Merchant Category Codes (MCC)get1099 OperationsDetermine 1099 Amounts for CollaboratorspostRequest a new mailing of the 1099 form for a collaboratorpostIndicate a collaborator's 1099 form was returned undeliveredpostRetrieve all bulk calculation 1099 batchesgetInitialize a new batch for bulk calculation 1099postRetrieve specific details of a bulk calculation 1099 batchgetModify the details of a specific bulk calculation 1099 batchpatchRetrieve all items from a calculation 1099 batchgetAdd a new item to a calculation 1099 batchpostFetch details of a specific item from a calculation 1099 batchgetRevise the attributes of an item in a calculation 1099 batchpatchFetch 1099 tax forms.getCreate a new tax form.postFetch tax form.getUpdate a tax form.patchRe-enable recipient sync on a tax form.postProvide Recipient Proof of IdentitypostRe-deliver a tax form by mail or electronic methods.postSubmit or request a tax form correction.postUpdate recipient correction from payer sidepatchReject a requested tax form correction.postAccepts and submits a pending tax form correction.postDownloads tax form submission PDFpostRetrieve Form 1099 PDF for a Collaborator by Year and IndexgetRetrieve Form W9 PDF for a CollaboratorgetInvoicing configGet invoicing config configured by given client/payergetGet configured invoicing settingsgetUpdate invoicing configpatchPayer Payee ManagementFetch a list of payersgetEstablish a new association between a payer and payeepostRetrieve detailed information of a specific payer relationshipgetUpdate information of a specific payerpatchFetch a list of payeesgetEstablish a new association between a payer and payeepostRetrieve detailed information of a specific payee relationshipgetUpdate information of a specific payeepatchRetrieve Form W9 PDF for a payeegetRetrieve Form W9 PDF for a payeegetRe-sends payee invite email to the payee if they have not registered yetpostPreview the results of changing a payee's emailgetUpdate a payee's email addresspostFetch entity history for a payeegetPayer Engagements ManagementAdd new engagement for payerpostFetch a list of payer engagementsgetGet details of single payer engagementgetUpdate information of a specific payer engagementpatchPayee Engagements ManagementAdd new engagement for payeepostFetch a list of payee engagementsgetGet details of single payee engagementgetUpdate information of a specific payee engagementpatchOverride an engagement's requirement statuspatchWingspan WalletRequest a verification code for card authenticationpostValidate verification code to receive a tokenpatchDocument Signing and EligibilityAdd a New Payment Eligibility RequirementpostRetrieve All Payment Eligibility RequirementsgetRetrieve details of a specific Payment Eligibility RequirementgetModify a specific Payment Eligibility RequirementpatchRemove a specific Payment Eligibility RequirementdeleteRemove Eligibility Requirement from Collaborator GroupdeleteModify Eligibility Requirement for Collaborator GrouppatchRetrieve Specific Collaborator Group ConfigurationgetModify Collaborator Group ConfigurationpatchPayment methodsInitiate Payment Card CreatepostList Payment Cards on the User AccountgetComplete Payment Card CreatepostGet Payment Card by IDgetRemove Payment Card by IDdeleteInitiate Single-Use Payment Card CreatepostComplete Payment Card CreatepostEngagementsCreate a new EngagementpostList EngagementsgetRetrieve Engagement by IDgetUpdate Engagement by IDpatchAdd Requirement To EngagementpostRemove Requirement From EngagementdeleteMigration from Collaborator Groups to EngagementsRequirementsList RequirementsgetCreate a new RequirementpostRetrieve Requirement by IDgetUpdate Requirement by IDpatchVerificationGet Beneficiary Verification by accountIdpostWingspan Users APIUser and Member ManagementHealth Check for User ServicegetRegister a new user with pending statuspostRegister a new userpostModify user account details using user IDpatchFetch user profile details using user IDgetRegister a New Subscription for MemberpostRetrieve Subscription Details by IDgetModify Subscription Details for MemberpatchRetrieve Advocate Information for the Specified MembergetInitiate User Password Reset ProcesspostRetrieve payment history for membershipgetRetrieve Client Details by IDgetRegister a New Client with Specific IDpostModify Existing Client Details by IDpatchRetrieve User by Tag IDgetRetrieve User by Email AddressgetRetrieve Public User Profile by IDgetRetrieve User's Occupation DetailsgetRetrieve User's LocationgetSession and AuthenticationInitiate a new session with pending statuspostInitiate a New User SessionpostInitiate OTP/2FA Verification ProcesspostConfirm OTP/2FA VerificationpatchRequest to Sign-In on Behalf of Another UserpostCreate a New API SessionpostRetrieve All API Sessions Created by the Current UsergetModify a Specific API SessionpatchFetch Details of a Specific API SessiongetTerminate a Specific API SessiondeleteRetrieve session details using token IDgetTerminate a user session using token IDdeleteRetrieve Subscription Grants for a Granted SubscribergetAuthenticate using GooglepostInitiate verification for an existing email addresspostInitiate Email Verification Process for UserpostConfirm Email Verification StatuspatchStart Phone Verification Process for UserpostValidate Phone Verification StatuspatchCreate a Single Sign-On (SSO) SessionpostAuthenticate User RequestpostAccount and Banking OperationsGenerate Plaid Link Token for Account IntegrationpostRetrieve All Linked Bank AccountsgetAdd New Bank AccountpostFetch Specific Bank Account DetailsgetUnlink Bank AccountdeleteModify Bank Account DetailspatchVerify an account for paymentspostRetrieve Account Numbers for GuestspostFetch Necessary Account DetailspostAuthorization and PermissionsRequest User AuthorizationpostRetrieve All User AuthorizationsgetRetrieve all authorized scopesgetObtain all authorized scope-groupsgetRetrieve authorized scope-groups specific to a usergetObtain authorized scopes specific to a usergetRetrieve Authorization Details by IDgetModify Existing Authorization DetailspatchRevoke and Remove Authorization RecorddeleteRetrieve Accounts Authorized by UsergetRetrieve Authentication Token for FlatfilepostSubscription ManagementRetrieve Specific Nextgen Subscription PlangetBrowse Available Nextgen Subscription PlansgetInitiate a New Nextgen Subscription for a MemberpostFetch All Nextgen Subscriptions for MembergetRetrieve Details of a Specific Nextgen SubscriptiongetModify an Existing Nextgen Subscription for MemberpatchRevoke a Nextgen Subscription for MemberdeleteActivity and Usage TrackingRetrieve All Activities of a MembergetLog New Activity for MemberpostRetrieve Specific Activity Details for a MembergetModify Specific Activity Details for a MemberpatchRemove Specific Activity Record for a MemberdeleteOrganization Account ManagementRegister New User within OrganizationpostRetrieve All Organization User AccountsgetRetrieve Organization User ProfilegetModify Organization User ProfilepatchInitiate Session for Organization UsergetLink a Child User to a Parent Organization AccountpostModify the Association of Child User to Parent OrganizationpatchSubscription and Grants ManagementNew Subscription GrantpostFetch All Subscription GrantsgetModify subscription grant detailspatchRetrieve subscription grant details by IDgetTerminate a specific subscription grant by IDdeleteRegister a New Subscription for MemberpostModify Subscription Details for MemberpatchRetrieve Subscription Details by IDgetRemove Subscription for MemberdeleteInvitationFetch a invitation details for provided invitation tokengetResend all user invitationspostCustomizationFetch a customization details for a usergetUpdate customization details for a userpatchFetch a customization details for a usergetWingspan Benefits APIBenefits ServiceRetrieve Current Benefits Service StatusgetModify Benefits Service StatuspatchBenefits EnrollmentRetrieve Enrollment Details for a Specific MembergetGet a particular plan enrollment by IDgetList all plan enrollmentsgetWingspan Files APIPublic File ManagementUpload Publicly Viewable FilepostInitialize Public File CreationpostRetrieve List of Member's Public FilesgetFetch Specific Public File DetailsgetUpdate Member's Public FilepatchRemove Member's Public FiledeleteRetrieve Summary of a Specific Public FilegetDownload a Specific Public FilegetPrivate File ManagementUpload a Private FilepostGenerate Entry for a New Private FilepostFetch a List of All Private Files for the MembergetRetrieve Specific Private File DetailsgetModify Specific Private File's MetadatapatchRemove a Specific Private FiledeleteDownload a Member's Private FilegetE-Signature Document TemplatesCreate a New E-signature Document TemplatepostRetrieve All E-signature Document TemplatesgetRetrieve Specific E-signature Document Template DetailsgetRemove a Specific E-signature Document TemplatedeleteDocument Management for E-SignaturesRetrieve All DocumentsgetRetrieve Specific Document DetailsgetObtain URLs for Document SigninggetRetrieve E-Signed Documents as PDFgetWingspan Bookkeeping APITax and Financial ReportingRetrieve Estimated Tax Details for a MemberpostObtain Profit and Loss Report for a MembergetRetrieve a Specific Bookkeeping ReportgetTransaction ManagementFetch Transaction Subcategories Based on Wingspan CategorygetRetrieve All Member TransactionsgetRecord a New TransactionpostRetrieve Specific Transaction DetailsgetRemove a Specific TransactiondeleteModify a Specific TransactionpatchFetch Income Insights for Catch-Up TransactionsgetFetch Expense Insights for Catch-Up TransactionsgetService ManagementCheck Bookkeeping Service StatusgetModify Bookkeeping Service Enablement StatuspatchDeactivate Bookkeeping Service for MemberdeleteBanking and Account ManagementRetrieve Business Banking Account InformationgetObtain Current Balance of Business Banking AccountgetRetrieve Details of a Specific Pending Banking TransactiongetModify a Specific Pending Banking TransactionpatchFetch All Pending Banking TransactionsgetCreate a New Pending Banking TransactionpostWithholding TransactionsGet Withholding TransactiongetRetrieve Details of a Specific Pending Withholding TransactiongetModify Details of a Pending Withholding TransactionpatchRetrieve All Pending Withholding TransactionsgetStart a New Withholding TransactionpostRetrieve Pending Cashback AmountgetRetrieve All Withholding TransactionsgetObtain Current Tax Withholding BalancegetCashback Rewards ManagementRetrieve Approved Cashback AmountgetRedeem Available CashbackpostCheck User's Eligibility for Cashback RewardsgetDeprecatedWingspan Customer Data Onboarding APIVerificationsGet verification levels for a customergetPerform a verification for a specific levelpostLists missing fields or documents for a specific verification levelgetBankingList Internal Account StatementsgetList Internal Account StatementsgetList bank accounts by typegetCreate a new bank accountpostGet a specific bank account by IDgetGet balance for a specific internal accountgetList transactions for a specific internal accountgetCards/banking/cardget/banking/cardpost/banking/card/{paymentCardId}get/banking/card/{paymentCardId}/activatepost/banking/card/{paymentCardId}/set_pinpost/banking/card/{paymentCardId}/embed_urlget/banking/card/{paymentCardId}/limitsget/banking/card/{paymentCardId}/limitspost/banking/card/{paymentCardId}/cancelpost/banking/card/{paymentCardId}/suspendpostCustomer EntityGet current customer entitygetCreates a new customer entitypostUpdate customer datapatchRequest a material or immaterial change to the customer entitypostAcknowledgementsAcknowledge an agreement or policypostGet acknowledgement detailsgetPayoutsGet list of payoutsget/payments/payouts/{payoutId}Get details of a particular payoutget/payments/currency/quotesGet currency exchange ratepostPowered by Submit or request a tax form correction.post https://api.wingspan.app/payments/tax-form/{taxFormId}/correctionRequests changes on an already filed tax form.