Add Individual Recipients

How to add individually add new recipients to receive 1099-NEC forms.

In Wingspan, you have the option to add new recipients individually. This is particularly useful in scenarios such as:

  • Onboarding New Contractors: If you're not sending payments through Wingspan, you can add vendors to Wingspan throughout the year. Wingspan will automatically request W-9 information from contractors, which is helpful if you don’t have this information on file.
  • Missing Recipients or Tax Forms: Should you have overlooked a recipient who needs to receive tax forms, you can add them here.
  • Batch Uploading: For adding multiple recipients, consider using the Batch Uploading Recipients process for greater efficiency.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Individual Recipients

1. Adding a Recipient

Navigate to your dashboard, select Actions > Add Recipient.

Enter the recipient's personal details, including their name, email, and country. Ensure the email address is accurate, as it can only be updated by the recipient under Settings > Account. After clicking "Add recipient and continue," the recipient will receive an email invitation to confirm their tax information via Wingspan. Note: Each recipient must have a unique email (unless assigned to different Organization Accounts), unique External IDs, and unique TINs.

Personal Details page screenshot

2. Optional: Adding W-9 Information

You can enter W-9 information for the recipient if already collected. The Taxpayer Identification Number will be automatically verified. Any discrepancies can be rectified. If the contractor does not respond to Wingspan's W-9 request, the information provided by the payer will be used. If there is no information from the payer, the 1099 cannot be filed. Note: Even if you submit W-9 information, Wingspan will contact the recipient to collect it again and confirm their 1099 delivery preferences.

W-9 Information screenshot

3. Optional: Adding Non-Employee Compensation Amount

You may also choose to enter an adjustment to the non-employee compensation amount. This can be done any time before filing. Note that this adjustment will be reflected in the 1099 amount shown to the recipient. Recipients will not see an itemized list of their off-platform payments unless you use Batch Upload Off-platform Payments.

Non-employee compensation screenshot

Once these steps are completed, the recipient will be added to the system. Any user with access to the organization can add recipients; admin rights are not necessary.