Setup & Prepare for 1099 Filing

How to setup 1099 filing and manage contractors to confirm their tax and payment information.

Starting on December 16th, you'll have the ability to review your setup and prepare for 1099-NEC filing. To perform these actions, you must have administrator privileges in your account.

Getting Started

  1. Navigate to the 1099-NEC Forms section on your Dashboard.
  2. Click on the Filing settings or Manage tax filing settings button.
1099-NEC filing dashboard screenshot

1099-NEC filing dashboard screenshot

Step 1: Verify Payer Information

  1. Review the business details displayed in the Business Information section, which will appear on all tax forms.
  2. Modify any incorrect information.
  3. Provide or review your support information so contractors can contact you regarding escalated filing issues.


Support contacts

The Support contact information will be visible to your contractors and will be used by Wingspan's support team to escalate issues outside of our Support Ownership. The Support phone number will appear in the payer section on tax forms.

Tax filing settings screenshot

Tax filing settings screenshot


Note on Sub-Organizations

If a contractor is associated with a sub-organization within Wingspan, the payer name on their 1099 will display as: [Primary Organization Name] FBO [Sub-Organization Name].

Example: Warren Workshop Co. FBO Workshop Insurance Inc.

Step 3: Configure Payment Calculations

Set up how you want to calculate non-employee compensation for the 1099-NEC forms. Options include:

  • Off-Platform Payments: Include invoices marked as paid outside of Wingspan.
  • Card Processing Fees: Add any debit or credit card payment fees.
  • Reimbursable Expenses: Decide whether to include or exclude these line items.
Calculation Settings

Calculation settings screenshot


Consult a Tax Advisor

Wingspan advises you to consult with a tax professional to choose the most suitable calculation options for your business.


Payment Date Recognition

Wingspan uses the date an invoice is paid to assign it to the appropriate tax year.

Step 4: Manage State Filing Requirements

Wingspan automatically identifies where state tax filings are required based on your contractors' locations. While our system includes fields for state tax registration and withholding IDs, these are not currently used in the 2024 state filing process.

State Filing

State filing settings screenshot

About State-Level Tax IDs
While our system allows you to enter state tax IDs, please note that:

  • These IDs will not appear on generated 1099-NEC PDFs
  • These IDs will not be transmitted to state tax authorities
  • The collection of these IDs is for future functionality

Step 5: Review Contractor and Payments Information

After setting up your preferences, review your contractors and payments information to ensure you have what you need to generate tax forms starting January 17th, 2025 - once all 2024 payments have been processed.

Contractor and Payments Information on Wingspan

To ensure you have accurate and complete contractor and payment information to generate tax forms, utilize these features to help manage bringing necessary information on to the Wingspan platform:


Managing the Contractor Lifecycle

  1. After adding a contractor (either individually or bulk), their profile will be updated with the information you provided including any W-9 information you provided on the contractor's behalf.
  1. Once a contractor has onboarded, certified their information and shared it with you, the contractor profile will be updated to sync with this verified information. (Any info provided by you, the Payer, will be archived at this point - this way, both parties share the same contractor information on the profile)
  1. If at any time, the contractor updates their information, you will be notified on their profile page. See examples below.

Step 6: Generate & Manage Tax Forms

When it comes time to generate tax forms in January 2025, here's a preview of what to expect in that experience.

  • A 1099-NEC list for all generated forms.
  • A 1099-NEC detail page with information that will appear on the 1099 form including associated amounts