QuickBooks Online
Integrating your QuickBooks Online account with Wingspan is super easy. You are just a few steps away from syncing your Wingspan clients, customers, bills, and invoices with your online accounting system. Please follow along with this quick guide:
Under Settings, navigate to the Integrations page.
Under the Quickbooks section, click "Set up Quickbooks". Click through the prompts to begin the authentication flow. This will take you Intuit's login screen, where you will be able to select which Quickbooks company you would like to connect to Wingspan. Don't worry, Intuit will automatically send you back to Wingspan once you have finished the necessary configuration!
Once the authentication is completed, Wingspan will begin syncing the relevant Quickbooks data. This process can take several minutes, so please be patient. 🙂
Now that we have synced the necessary data, we will walk through a quick mapping sequence to correctly relate accounts you have in Quickbooks with accounts you have in Wingspan.
The next step requires you to set a default line item and default expense account. These will be used in the invoices and bills Wingspan pushes to Quickbooks.
Now we are going to map existing clients in Wingspan with customers in Quickbooks
For those customers that weren't mapped, we can import them into Wingspan and create clients for you!
We'll now repeat basically the same steps above, but for vendors. In Wingspan, we call these collaborators!
Create new collaborators in Wingspan from the vendors you have in Quickbooks.
And that's it! Now when you create invoices and payables in Wingspan, they will be pushed to your Quickbooks automatically!
QuickBooks Online Mappings
Bills - Quickbooks version of WS Payable
QBO Field | Wingspan Description |
TotalAmt | Payable total |
DueDate | Payable due date |
Line | Payable line items |
DetailType | |
Description | |
Amount | |
AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail.AccountRef | |
VendorRef | QBO Vendor ID mapped to WS Collaborator |
LinkedTxn | QBO BillPayment ID, created when Payable marked as paid |
BillPayment - Created when WS Payable marked as paid
QBO Field | Wingspan Description | |
VendorRef | QBO Vendor ID mapped to WS Collaborator | |
TotalAmt | Payable total | |
PayType | “Check” | |
CheckPayment.BankAccountRef | QBO BankAccount ID mapped to WS Payment Account | |
Line | Payment line item (only one, the Bill) | |
Amount | Bill total | |
LinkedTxn | QBO Bill ID | |
VendorRef | QBO Vendor ID mapped to WS Collaborator | |
LinkedTxn | QBO BillPayment ID, created when Payable marked as paid |
Vendor - Created when WS Payable gets created with new Collaborator
QBO Field | Wingspan Description |
PrimaryEmailAddr | Collaborator email address |
DisplayName | Collaborator email address |
Invoices - Quickbooks version of WS Invoice
QBO Field | Wingspan Description | |
TotalAmt | Invoice total | |
DocNumber | Invoice number | |
DueDate | Invoice dueDate | |
Line | Invoice line items | |
DetailType | “SalesItemLineDetail” | |
Description | Line item description | |
Amount | Line item amount | |
SalesItemLineDetail | QBO Item ID | |
CustomerRef | QBO Customer ID mapped to WS Client | |
LinkedTxn | QBO Payment ID, created when Invoice marked as paid |
Payment - Created when WS Invoice gets marked as Paid
QBO Field | Wingspan Description |
TotalAmt | Invoice total |
CustomerRef | QBO Customer ID mapped to WS Client |
ProcessPayment | “true” |
Customer - Created when WS Invoice gets created with new Client
QBO Field | Wingspan Description |
PrimaryEmailAddr | Client email address |
CompanyName | Client company name |
DisplayName | Client company name |
FullyQualifiedName | Client name |
Updated 12 months ago