With Wingspan Organizations you can create additional Wingspan User Accounts that match your organization's structure.
A Wingspan User Account is the central resource for properties related to a company or individual, such as:
- Business Information (name, branding, tax identifier, etc.)
- Payout and Payment Accounts
- Subscription and Capabilities
A single Wingspan User Account is sufficient for a company with a flat structure that invoices clients and pays many collaborators. As a company's structure becomes more complex, it might be advantageous or necessary to have different properties for different parts of the organization. Wingspan Organizations allow a company to model their structure via multiple Wingspan User Accounts in a single network.
Platform deployments that would like to completely embedded Wingspan and have direct control over the user experience can also use Wingspan Organizations to add individual users.
Use Cases
In order to use organization accounts your organization should have familiarity with software engineering and making API calls.
Multiple Corporate Entities
Acme Inc. is a holding company with three child entities (Alpha LLC., Beta Inc., and Gamma Inc.). The parent company Acme Inc. would like to start paying contractors through Wingspan; however, contractors directly work with the child entities that have their own branding, contact information, and tax identifiers.
The companies all share common bank accounts for receiving payouts and making payments to contractors. Each company also has a dedicated team responsible for running the business; however, super users from the parent company need access to each of the child entities.
This is an ideal use case for Organizations: in this scenario, Acme Inc. would first set up its account (see Getting Started for more details). After setup, Acme Inc. can create three Organization User Accounts as child accounts.

Organization Accounts Example
- The parent and child accounts should be created using the standard Wingspan User Account endpoint.
- The child accounts should then be linked using the Wingspan Organization Associate Account endpoint.
- Finally, the child accounts should inherit the parent's properties via the Wingspan Organization Update Association endpoint.
- Using this endpoint, inheritance of all, some, no properties from the parent account can be configured. In this scenario, it's likely that all properties should be inherited.
Platform With End User Accounts
Talent Inc. is a platform that matches contractors with companies. To create a completely unified experience, Talent Inc. would like to manage Wingspan User Accounts on behalf of its users, effectively embedding all Wingspan functionality into their platform.
Fundamentally, the setup is the same as the "Multiple Corporate Entities" setup above. In this case, since the child accounts represent completely separate entities (end users), there should be no inheritance from the parent account.
Updated 22 days ago